We believe that breakthrough medicines and a coordinated strategy can solve the addiction crisis at scale


Here’s what makes CASPR different.

Clinicians, scientists, and informed policy makers agree that addiction is a disease and we are facing a public health emergency. But compared to diseases with comparable public health burdens, like cancer and heart disease, the US invests 95% less towards the development of new treatments for addiction. And unlike our response to other urgent public health crises, like COVID or HIV/AIDS, we are not acting rapidly and with a coordinated focus to get breakthrough medications into the hands of doctors and patients.

CASPR — the Center for Addiction Science, Policy, and Research — is focused on large-scale strategic opportunities in policy and practice that can permanently reduce the cascade of harms from addiction to a fraction of  its current size.

We believe that the addiction crisis, both the new and urgent threats of fentanyl and methamphetamine overdoses and also the older grinding scourges of alcohol and nicotine addiction, can be solved at scale if we bring urgency, political strategy, and coordination to the challenge.

By now, you should be a little skeptical. Addiction is an entrenched multifactorial morass that’s grown much worse over the past decade-- what hasn’t already been tried that could make a big difference over a short time horizon?  We just ask that you read our research and proposals and see if you agree that there’s a dramatically better path available.

CASPR’s goal is to drive system-wide change. We aren’t here to help cope with the addiction crisis or gradually chip away at the problem, we are here to fight it and we are here to win. 


If you’d like to support our work, you can donate here.  We are a 501c3 tax-deductible non-profit organization, entirely funded by individuals and foundations, we do not take donations directly or indirectly from industry.

Why might CASPR be worth your donation?  We are a small but high-impact organization, relentlessly focused on bring a strategic approach to the field of addiction medicine and getting new treatments to patients as soon as possible.   Our background is in startups, tech, science, and medicine-- we are here to move fast, make change, and see impact.  If you are considering a larger donation, please reach out.  We’d love to tell you more about our approach and operations.



The Medical Evidence for Using Ozempic and GLP-1s for Addiction   →
Nicholas Reville, Zarinah Agnew, PhD   May 14, 2024

GRACE: Proposing a new GLP-1 based harm reduction strategy →
Nicholas Reville   July 25, 2024

A Federal Moonshot for Better Addiction Medications Can Help Us Escape the Crisis   →

Nicholas Reville   April 14, 2024

"Growing concerns" that Ozempic will disrupt big tobacco, candy companies, and alcohol brands, according to Morgan Stanley   →

Nicholas Reville   April 26, 2024


Nicholas Reville
Founder, Executive Director
Lindsay Holden
Managing Director

Karam Elabd, MSc
Research Manager, Data Scientist
Meimei Fong-Minhas
Researcher, Public Health

Selin Kubali
Researcher, Computational Biology
Diana Lado Andrew
Public Health Researcher

Divya Saraf
Design Director
Johanna Einsiedler, MSc
Researcher, Data Scientist

2024 - Center for Addiction Science, Policy, and Research (CASPR)